
Insulation Blankets

Good insulation blankets are important not only as cover for burners but also as cover in a well protected workplace.

Here at ITP you will find your safety solution when you work with an open flame in the neighbourhood of an existing gas and/or HDPE-pipe.


Insulation blanket T14

The T14 insulation blanket is your safety solution when you work with in the neighbourhood of an existing gas of HDE-pipes. With this insulation blanket you prevent a gas catastrophe. It has been tested and approved by an acknowledged lab. All used materials are incombustible.
The red upperside can withstand flames from a cutting burner (700 - 900°C) and does not emit toxic gases. Only the grey bottom of this blanket can withstand the wet soil.
This type T14 is the high-end succesor of the previous insulation blanket GOLD. Can be delivered in 2 formats: 90x50cm en 45x45cm.


Tailormade insulation blankets

We make insulation blankets in every possible size according to your wishes.


If you would like more information and/or a free quote, you can always contact us using the details below. We will gladly help you !

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